Speaking Engagements
Are you looking for a speaker, lecturer or presenter for your next event? I am available as a speaker. I have delivered speeches at large conferences, lectured aboard cruise ships, and even offered talks while walking, as I believe in the power of learning through movement. I can also tailor educational sessions to your business or organization’s needs.
- Arts
- Creativity
- Culture
- Wellbeing
- Civic Engagement
- Education
- Green & Sustainability
- Inspirational
- Spirituality
- “From Roots vs. Routes to Regeneration: Addressing the Local vs. Immigrant Divide”
- “Coping with Place Loss”
- “Arts, Placemaking and Civic Engagement”
- “Placemaking – For Whom?”
- “Regenerative Tourism”
- “Place Education and Why it Matters”
- “Little Havana” (can customize)
- “Spirit of Place and the Politics of Heritage Landscapes”
- “Spirit of Place: Finding the Sacred Everywhere”
- And many others …
Previous Speaking Engagements
- Onboard Lecturer, American Cruise Lines
- Onboard Lecturer, Pearl Mist Cruises
- Cultivating Creative Communities: Local Solutions for Global Success”
- Community Reinvestment Alliance Summit
- Imagine Miami Summit on Arts, Culture & Civic Engagement
- Imagine Miami Changemaker Conferences
- Miami-Dade Public Schools (“The History of Cuba and the Cuban American Experience”)
- National Community Reinvestment Coalition Annual Meeting
- Neighborhoods USA Conference on Neighborhood Concerns
- Power of Partnership Stewardship Summit
- Synergy Summit for Cultural and Heritage Tourism
- World of Women Leaders Conference

Dr. Moebius’ research, personal experiences, candor and ease of which she disseminates facts, policy and opinion makes her the perfect speaker. At our annual summit, attended by over 230 non-profits, financial institutions, elected officials, government staff and community leaders, Dr. Moebius delivered a presentation that was very well received. The Community Reinvestment Alliance of Florida plans to have her speak exclusively as soon as possible. I fully endorse Dr. Moebius.