Moving Away

Moving Away

It’s hard to describe the feeling of moving away. I’ve moved from Miami before–during COVID-19–but last year I moved back to the city. This year, I moved away again. It wasn’t the same city as I remembered–of course. The traffic was...
The Garden: Digging into Stories

The Garden: Digging into Stories

To find stories, we need to dig deep. Let’s think about the metaphor of “digging deep” — are we digging for the stories of the dead whose voices have not been heard? Are we digging for “treasures”?  Perhaps we can also think of the...
River Journeys & Lessons

River Journeys & Lessons

How do we think about paths? When we envision journeys — including life journeys — it seems the default is to imagine a path. What about thinking of the journey as movement along a body of water: a river? During the cruise, I shared my presentations about...